

These are Full season crops that take up to 90 days or Three Months for them to mature for harvest most of these crops are staple-foods for various communities world-wide.
The following are our full season crops;

  1. Maize (Human Consumption & Stockfeeds)
  2. Long Rice (White, Red, Brown)
  3. Wheat
  4. Sorghum
  5. Rapoko
  6. Millet
Additional Crops:
  1. Potato varieties
  2. Chia seeds
  3. Round/Groundnuts
  4. Sugar Beans
We have markets for all the above crops hence all agricultural produce shall be sold in this manner

We envisage that there should be huge production that 50% of yields shall be exported to the Middle East and European Markets to earn the country the much needed Foreign Currency to assist in stabilizing the economy.

The Regional Markets has countries which either never produce crops or are always in Perennial drought. Thus Sub-Sahara African Farmers Organization (SSAFO) recognizes the need to earn Foreign Currency in the regional market hence the 30% of yields are sold within the Sub-Sahara Region, COMESA and SADC. Countries such as DR Congo, Zimbabwe, Angola, Rwanda, Kenya which need rescuing year after year shall also be empowered with the technical know-how and resources to be players also on the regional marketplace.

The rationale behind the 30% regional market distribution is also to ensure that staple crops such as maize and their by-products are readily available in abundance to the extent that market prices should not skyrocket due to scarcities whether actual or artificial. Staple foods should be in abundant to the extent that cases of people who eat one meal in three days should be eradicated.

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